hoggar, hoggar mountains, ahaggar

hoggar | hoggar mountains | ahaggar
Hoggar or ahaggar is a very known mountain chain is located in the extreme south of Algeria, exactly in the Tamanrasset stat,it covers 450,000 km2,almost quarter of  all Algeria area, It stretches over the tropic of cancer that is separated from the north, it's considered as volcanic mountains formations, with a long history Thumper in the depths of the old time rock and murals, This area became a barn cause of..............
their importance in north Africa and in the whole world.
It is known worldwide for its beautiful scenery and charm attractive areas. In Hoggar mountains there are the highest peak in Algeria (the summit Tahart Atakor 3013 m).
As well as having one of the most beautiful passages in the world, The Aloskram corridor where you can watch the best rising and setting of the sun in Algeria and the whole world as recognized by UNESCO.

Rock composition:

Hoggar mainly composed of volcanic rocks, which take the form of corrosion, and that is what made it full of very nice views, with the height steep mountains of volcanic and frigid magma (basalt magma), the most famous of Hoggar Mountains is aloskram Mount.

Hoggar mountains climate is very hot in the summer, but it could be up to the freezing winter nights. In addition, rain is limited and sporadic.

Aloskram Mount:

Hoggar hoggar mountains ahaggar aloskram mount
Hoggar hoggar mountains ahaggar aloskram mount

Aloskram mount is about 80 km away from the state of Tamanrasset, is the major destination for tourists, its accessed via an unpaved road, the trip takes about three hours, then you can see the Aloskram summit, which have about 2800 m of height above sea level, and the temperatures there is up to 12 below 0 in the summer season.


Hoggar ,hoggar mountains,ahaggar
Hoggar mountains

Found in the Hoggar carved on the walls drawings dating back to the old man shows his daily activities and there drawings indicate that the desert was a river, which confirms existence of life millions of years ago.


Hoggar ,hoggar mountains,ahaggar
Hoggar ,Hoggar mountains

Tamanrasset is far away from the main Algerian international airports(Houari Boumadian), cause of that the government initialized a new airport (Tamanrasset airport),to make sure that the tavel to Tamanrasset is more easier and attract foreign tourists,  the travel between the two of them take just two hours, there is in Tamanrasset the famous hotel (Mount Tahat), which is the destination of almost all foreign tourists, but if you're a fan of trips and adventures and you are ready to test the desert with all its charm and beauty (hoggar mountains), you can choose the camps owned by tour operators and desert known that as the (Safari).

What should u remember about Hoggar Mountains:
Location: algeria
State: Tamanrasset
Range coordinates 23°17′N 5°32′E
Peak: Mount tahat
Visitors/tourists: 4000
Rocks type: Volcanic and metamorphic rocks